Sunday, September 23, 2018

Folly Coffee Nerd Series

I'm incredibly excited about our latest rollout, the Folly Coffee Nerd Series. The Folly Coffee Nerd Series began very informally with the discussion that we would like to push the boundaries of our roasting abilities and seek out the best coffees we can get our hands on. The decision to source and roast our first batch was completely impulsive. We were just wrapping up another super fun and adrenaline rush inducing packaging session (scoop, pour, seal, repeat forever) when we received word from our importing partner, Minneapolis based Café Imports, that they received a very special microlot from the Finca Tono of the Aguilera family in Costa Rica. Part of the microlot was a fully washed Gesha. The Gesha variety of coffee is a variety that is one of the most highly regarded and creates a cup that is floral, complex, sweet, and this lot is no exception. So while we were sitting there, we were like, "Wait...should we do this?" "Which package would it go into?" "The price point is above the rest of our line". We clearly all wanted to roast and taste this coffee, so I ordered it mid-conversation. We didn't know what we were going to do with it, but we wanted to drink it, and that was enough for me.

Since then, the Costa Rica Washed Gesha inspired the Folly Coffee Nerd Series. It will be a rotating series of the finest coffee origins and varieties in the world. There will be no set timeline for when the next edition will be launched. It will occur as the first edition, spontaneously as enticing coffees become available. So enjoy this first lot, because it won't last long!

Huge shout out to Roaster Ken and Folly Jeff for profiling this bean to what it is now.

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